Friday, January 3, 2020

Is It Really "Your" Life?

Consider for a moment that this life you’re living – is not actually yours. I mean, it’s not yours in the sense we typically think of when we say that. Your life was given to you to be in charge of - to manage, but it doesn’t belong to you.  You were birthed through your biological parents, but God imparted the life, the breath, and the spirit.
  • I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20)
This is a basic realization we need to come to - we had nothing to do with our life or how we came to be. Really think about that. If you own something (if it’s yours), there was some means of you gaining possession of it. Either you purchased it, you worked for it, you won it, or it was given to you. None of these are applicable when it comes to your life. You may even say your dad and mom gave you life, but that wouldn’t be true either. You were birthed into this world through your biological mother and father, but life was not theirs to give. They merely provided the physical attributes necessary to initiate the formation of a human body. Life was given (at some point) inside the womb.

We automatically assume this life we’re living is ours – that we own this life we’re living inside of this body. But how did you get life? The physical attributes of a fetus can be formed, but what tells the heart to start beating? Where does LIFE really come from? You’ve been thinking all of these years that this is MY life and have never even questioned it. Yes, this life is yours to manage, to watch over while you’re here on this earth, but not from the aspect of “I can do whatever I want to with it.”

Look at it this way, you’re given a job with a company, but you don’t own the job. You’re given the job and have the responsibility to carry out the duties your supervisor and the company set forth. You can say it’s your job, but in actuality, it belongs to the company. It’s not your job to do with it whatever you want – only what the company needs you to do. If you did anything you desired with your job, you would promptly get fired. And when you leave the job (or get fired), you don’t take the job with you. Why not? Because it’s not yours. The mission and duties of that job are still resident with that company. Your replacement (the new employee) will have to carry out that work.  So using this analogy, the same way you are given a job or employment with a company, you were given a life. Your Boss (God) desires that you carry out a mission.

This one realization of “it’s not my life” can change the way you approach every day from now on. Maybe you’ve been approaching this thing called life the wrong way? Who are we to think that we own this invisible, eternal spirit and personality that was given to us? Did we all of sudden decide that we were going to be born?

So, if you had nothing to do with the origin of your life, why do you now say that it’s yours and you can do with it what you want?

Why would you presume that you are the one who decides how this life is supposed to be lived? And if you choose to believe that this is your life and can live it however you want to, it may be a sad day when on your death bed, you realize that you may have been wrong.
  • Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own. (1 Cor 6:19)

When you begin to live the life you were given as it was meant to be lived, you will discover true satisfaction, contentment, purpose and most of all peace. That is when you will truly begin to live life.
  • For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. (Matthew 16:25)

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